Crossfit clothing

Women's crossfit clothing

Men's CrossFit clothing

CrossFit is a form of exercise that constantly develops different physical attributes. CrossFit includes truly versatile exercises such as muscle strength, endurance, speed and flexibility.

CrossFit’s biggest event is the annual CrossFit Games. The longest-running CrossFit competition in Finland is Karjalan Kovin, which has been organized since 2010.

CrossFit clothing is constantly exposed to heavy use. CrossFit clothing requires good mechanical strength, flexibility and comfort. In CrossFit, workout clothes, such as shorts or sweatshirts, need to stay on during workouts and in varying conditions. The benefits of compression failures are also often seen in CrossFit in terms of faster recovery and, on the other hand, muscle protection.

NoPain clothes are used by many CrossFit athletes in Finland. NoPain sportswear is the perfect choise for CrossFit because of the durability of the clothes. NoPain CrossFit clothing will free your mind and let you focus on 100% your workout!